HIIT it (maybe) one more time
Personal trainer (and former chef) Ian Eassom shares his tips on staying fit and healthy, with the occasional treat…
Happy September to you all! Did you know that the NHS recommends that in order to stay healthy, adults aged between 19 and 64 should do at least 150 minutes of moderate (or 75 minutes of vigorous) aerobic activity and strengthening exercises a week? So if you want to get it over and done with as soon as possible, this 15-minute, high-intensity interval training (otherwise known as HIIT) of mine will sort you out and hopefully be enjoyable; it will target the core as well, so you will be looking Ab Fab too! The following six exercises will give you an all over body workout and the good thing is they can be done in your own home.
For beginners, try and complete each move for 30 seconds, resting for 30 seconds before moving on to the next exercise. Complete four to six rounds, but rest for 60 seconds at the end of each round. For the more advanced, do each move for 45 seconds, but only resting for 15 seconds.
Butt Kickers
Stand tall with your feet hip-width apart, core engaged and your hands placed one on top of the other at the small of your back. Jog in place, kicking your heels high to try to tap your butt. To make the butt kickers lower impact, try marching in place, focusing on using your core to pull your knees up to hip height on each step.
Reverse Lunge
Step back with your right foot and bend both knees to sink into a lunge. Keep your core engaged, hips tucked and back straight. Return to your starting position by pushing off your right foot and stepping forward. Repeat on the other side and continue to alternate sides.
Hand Release Press-ups
Start with a standard push-up position, then lower your body on to the floor, with your hands on the ground, then push your body all the way up so that you can briefly lift your hands from the ground. If you need to modify this move, just drop to your knees as this one is still pretty intense.
Pop Squat
Stand with your feet together, core engaged and hands at your chest. Jump your feet wide and sit back into a wide squat, engaging your glutes and bending both knees until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Tap the floor with your right hand. Jump your feet back together to return to your starting position. Do two small hops in place, and then immediately jump your feet wide again dropping into another wide squat, this time tapping the floor with your left hand. Repeat for the desired amount of rounds.
Dive Bomber
Start off on your hands and knees on the floor, with your feet and hands set at shoulder width apart. Lift your hips up towards the ceiling and straighten your legs so that your body looks like an upside-down V shape from the side. Aim to create a straight line through your body from your hands, arms and shoulders to your hips. From this top position, bend your elbows and lower your head forwards and down towards the floor between your hands, whilst keeping your hips up above your shoulders. Just before your head touches the floor, start to move your head and shoulders forwards in front of your hands and lower your hips down to the same height as your ankles and shoulders, so that you are in a low plank position. Move your head and shoulders backwards, as you bend and push your hips upwards. Straighten your arms to return to the top position of the upside-down V. This one is also great for the triceps, tightening those arms.
Russian Twists
For a HIIT workout that strengthens your core, Russian Twists are a necessity. Sit on the floor, with your heels touching the floor, or lifted (more advanced) and your hands at your chest. Twist from side to side. You can also do this with weights for more impact.
Have a great September and I hope you HIIT the ground running!
Ian Eassom is a Lincoln-based mobile personal trainer. Ian can offer private online one-to-one sessions, with bespoke exercise and diet plans to suit you. Ian can also offer individual training sessions in your own garden or public space, subject to and in adherence with the latest Covid guidance and with social distancing in place. Don’t forget there’s a special offer for Lincolnshire Life readers! For the latest information, visit www.ianeassom.co.uk
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