Lincolnshire welcomes ‘Vera’
The only other airworthy Avro Lancaster in the world flew into RAF Coningsby on 8th August to join the BBMF’s ‘Thumper’ for a two-month series of UK air displays and tours. The Canada based Vera dodged thunderstorms and heavy rainfall on the last leg of her four-day trip from Canada to be met by a reception of Bomber Command veterans, air enthusiasts and dignitaries. The villages of Coningsby and Tattershall were decorated with maple leaf flags.
Sadly, a planned flypast of Lincoln and Lincoln Cathedral by the two Lancasters, escorted by the Red Arrows, was cancelled because of the bad weather conditions.
Tickets for tours of BBMF and events this month at Lincolnshire Aviation Heritage Centre, East Kirkby when Vera and Thumper will join the Centre’s ‘Just Jane’ are a sellout but there are still opportunities to witness take off and landings by checking the BBMF website: www.raf.mod.uk/bbmf
The only two airworthy Lancasters in the world and the XH558 Vulcan performed a flypast to mark the start of the construction of the International Bomber Command Memorial at Canwick Hill, Lincoln.
Veterans and invited guests watched as Sqn Ldr Geoffrey Whittle, who lives in Leasingham, lifted the turf to bury a time capsule of artifacts.
Guests were welcomed by the Lord Lieutenant, Tony Worth and ACM Sir Stuart Peach spoke about the project. Finally the site was blessed by The Very Reverend Philip Buckler, Dean of Lincoln Cathedral. Guests were entertained by the Waddington Voluntary Band and enjoyed afternoon tea to conclude the day.
The time capsule contains a copy of a book written by ninety-five-year-old veteran and local resident, Les Rutherford. He and his family not only put the book together but paid to have it printed in order to give the Memorial Trust all the copies to sell to raise funds. The capsule also includes a list of every individual attending the ceremony, a copy of the designs and site plans, a CD-ROM of all the names which will be going on the memorial walls and a copy of the narrative that will form the basis of the exhibition.
As the project is now gathering pace, the Trust would welcome help from any volunteers who might be able to give their time. Help is needed for: data inputting from other records; research into the people on the lists; recording oral histories; helping out at shows and events; proofreading and fundraising.
The Trust are also creating a digital archive of documents, photos, records, etc. They are appealing for any families who have material to get in touch, so that their items can be scanned and preserved. Families keep the originals but know that they will be accessible for future generations.
You can find out more information about volunteering opportunities at www.lincsbombercommandmemorial.com or email nicky@lincsbombercommandmemorial.com
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