Meet Lincs FM’s newest recruit
You might have noticed a new voice on Lincs FM recently, especially if you listen in the evening or on Saturday mornings.
Joseph Begley is the newest addition to the team, joining Rob Hammond, John Marshall and Andy Fenton in the weekday schedule. It’s been something of a baptism of fire for Joseph, as he’s been thrown into a series of summertime jobs as part of his ‘induction’ at the station. Listeners have enjoyed hearing him help clean out a local stables, be a market trader and act as a barista, even though he admits having never tried a cup of coffee himself!
Programme manager Sam Haywood told Lincolnshire Life: “We thought it would be fun for Joseph to not just start one new job this summer – but to start a whole host of them. What better way to meet our listeners, than to serve them coffee, ice cream or help clean out their stables?”
But just who is Joseph Begley? We asked him to tell us a little more about himself:
“Redhead, GSOH, looking for someone who enjoys long walks in the countryside. This is what you wanted for the magazine, right?
Sorry, my mistake. I’m a born and bred Lincolnshire lad, hailing from the south of the county in Stamford. There’s something great about living around here – you can spend a day in a big noisy city but at the end of it you’re always glad to be back home, here in Lincolnshire.
“I’ve been doing radio for a while now, ever since I left school, and recently joined the team at Lincs FM for evenings and weekends. You can expect the usual bits and pieces: great music, the local information and travel you need and my own slightly wry and cynical look on life and your stories too.
“Things you need to know about me (apart from the above): I have an almost unhealthy obsession with Angela Lansbury. I went to see her perform in London’s West End a few years ago and sadly, although I lingered outside the stage door after the performance, she didn’t come outside so I wasn’t able to meet her. I did consider setting off the theatre fire alarm to force her out but my friend wisely stopped me.
“I look after myself but I’m quite proud to say I’ve never stepped foot in a gym once in my life. Ever. On that note I’ve also surprisingly never had chewing gum, and, mentioned, I’ve never drunk coffee – or, for that matter, cola. This is what happens when you grow up living in a cul-de-sac, both literally and metaphorically speaking.
“In my ‘free time’ I can usually be found in a horizontal position, either reading or watching some streaming service or foreign drama. Have you seen The Bridge? It’s a crime drama with a simple premise – the cases involve both Sweden and Denmark and in the first series a body is found exactly halfway between the two countries and yes, you’ve guessed it, on the bridge. It’s incredible and three series in is up there as one of my favourite shows. Alongside Murder, She Wrote of course…
“I hope you’ll welcome me to Lincs FM and catch me on a weekday evening between 6pm and 10pm and on Saturdays between 10am and 2pm.”
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