Libby’s Ladies Lunch

Sue Bailey’s daughter Libby was sadly killed in a road accident – this made her realise the valuable work LIVES does …. it took six years to gather the required strength as a family to be able to start fund raising for LIVES in their daughter’s memory.

The first lunch was for forty ladies – the next year fifty ladies – the next year 100 ladies – then a 160 ladies (this is when they had to find a large venue and went to Branston Hall Hotel). They have had a 160 ladies for lunch for a couple of years and now it has grown to a 160 ladies for two lunches.

LIVES Libby’s Memorial Ladies Lunch is supported by ladies from all over Lincolnshire… the kindness and generosity from these ladies has been overwhelming and comforting for the family.
The Bailey family believe if one life is saved a year in Lincolnshire by LIVES First Responders then Libby didn’t die in vain.

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