Leek, Broccoli and Potato Quiche
This Mother’s Day my mum is going to be sunning herself on a fancy cruise somewhere in the sub-tropics. It seems that ever since she officially retired she’s been having the most incredible life. It’s not that I’m denying her this, it’s just that she seems to be having a better life than me, whilst she spends my inheritance! So with her out of the country, I shall be baking her favourite lunch dish, a quiche. It’s actually an adaptation of her recipe and her quiches always remind me of special lunches with her and the family. Once you get the basic recipe down, you can be pretty free and easy with the additional ingredients. This one includes my favourite vegetables – leeks, broccoli and new potatoes. What can be better than that?
I’m using a 25cm, 3cm deep fluted tin with a loose bottom which I’ve greased well.
Start with the pastry by rubbing the butter into the flour in a large bowl until you have something resembling breadcrumbs. Stir in the grated cheddar, then add a tablespoon or two of cold water and bring together into dough with your hands. You may need to add a little more water to create the dough but you will feel how ‘short’ the pastry is. Wrap in cling film and pop in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.
In a large pan gently melt a generous amount of butter with a little olive oil and throw in the spring onions and potatoes and let them slowly sweat for at least 10 min or until the potatoes begin to soften and colour, then add the leeks, broccoli and plenty of pepper and let them sweat until they begin to soften. Add a little salt and the thyme, then turn up the heat slightly and sauté them further. Turn the heat off, place the lid on and set aside.
Now your pastry should be ready. Roll it out and line your greased quiche pan. Scrunch up some baking parchment and lay this into the pastry case and pour some baking beans on top. Blind bake for 15 min on 150C.
Once your pastry is turning golden, take it out of the oven and set aside whilst you beat the eggs into the cream. Spoon the filling into the pastry case followed by the cream and egg mix. Bake on 160C for about 15-20 min until golden and risen. Set aside on a wire rack to cool. The quiche should easily slide out of the tin.
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